December 20, 2021

I am celebrating an important anniversary in my life. In December 2020, I took a values course by Amy Johnson and Sheila Arthur from Amy is a values and idea integrator and she led a group of us through learning how to pull out the values that drive us. Over two weekends, Amy and Sheila took us through many soul searching activities to lead us to our core values. As a teacher, I was so impressed with their process. My values are:

  • Creativity

  • Community

  • Contribution

  • Freedom

  • Gratitude & Grace

  • Life-Long Learning

  • Luxury

What was most exciting about doing this exercise, was how closely aligned with values are with my HD chart.

  • I have Gate 8-Gate of Contribution-The energy of this gate is to make a contribution, be an example or do something that makes a statement.

  • I have Gate 1-Gate of Self-Expression-The gate of the Creative self. The energy of this gate wants to create in a big way!

  • I have Gate 48-Gate of Depth, AKA The Gate of Taste- People with Gate 48 have an intuitive understanding of beauty and design and long for things to be designed with taste and Luxury.

  • I am a 5/1 profile and have Gate 14-Gate of Power Skills- The energy of this gate fuels your direction in life and desire to know and understand things. A 5/1-The Challenge Solver, Curious Explorer or Heretic Investigator however you want to call it, my desire to be a Life-Long Learner is unquenchable.

  • I have Gate 55-Gate of Spirit-The gate is all about emotional energy and seeking abundance and Freedom of spirit.

  • Gate 27- The Gate of Caring appears many times in my chart. This energy is about nurturing and taking care of those in need. It is directed toward family, team or Community.

  • and The Gate of Aliveness-Gate 58 is the energy for the zest or joy in life. Living in Gratitude for the joys in life and honoring that Grace is always surrounding us.

Have you explored what your values are? Take a look at your chart for clues.

Stacy Cordova

Soul-Care is the new Self-Care